What I Did:

Welcome to my picture gallery!

Pictures of Me
Pictures of Friends
Halloween Costumes
My Graduation Party
Summer Fun

Assembled here is a collection of pictures taken since 1989. They represent some of the important people and events in my life. They are the people and events that mean the most to mean, and I want to share these moments with you. Hopefully, you will learn a little about me in the process.

While their may be some bare bear chests and some pictures worthy of blackmail material, there is no nudity. You can go elsewhere for your kicks, say TV underwear commercials or the beach. However, you may learn more about me and my friends than you've ever wanted to know. If anyone does not want a particular picture included here, please let me know.

I've tried explaining the pictures as best I can. They are grouped by a particular topic. Pages linked from here are loaded with thumbnails, and may take a while to load. Just click on the picture to see a larger version of it. Furthermore, there may be some close-ups to particular shots, so watch for additional links. I've listed the pic's statistics by the link in the format (width x height x # of color bits @ file size in K). Also, there are two new links at the bottom of these pages to go forward or backward to the next set of pictures.

I had to edit the originals to a decent dimension and file size, and to correct most of them for being incredibly dark. I simply adjusted the brightness and contrast on them till they looked better. So my apologies if a few of them look weird, off color, or washed out. (Of course, some of the subject matter is just plain weird to begin with. ::grin::) The thumbnails are generally under 3K, and the pics they link to range in size from 10K to 70K, with most under 40K. All of them are in jpg format.

I hope you enjoy viewing these as much as I enjoyed doing them.



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This page was last updated on Sunday, June 27, 1999 by
Richard L. Trulson at richard@OmniFacets.com