Whatever It Is:

This page is for stuff that just doesn't fit anywhere else. It includes my update plans and an overall update history. Also, let me know what you think of the place and any suggestions you have. I hope you enjoyed your stay.

Future Plans:

Like every page on the internet, this is a work in progress, constantly changing. I just don't annoy you with huge construction notices. Updates will hopefully occur more often now, though I don't know exactly when.

Update History:

Though minor changes won't be documented except in the update line at the bottom of the pages, here's where the major changes will be listed.

May 4, 2002:
These pages remained stagnant for only two years this time, though it might as well have been three. At least this time I've updated the main structure to more closely reflect me personally. And I've finally got some current pictures that more correctly show what I look like now.

June 12, 2000:
Some minor updates were made to the main page. Other than a couple of pictures, nothing new was added.

June 27, 1999:
After stagnating for almost three years, I finally got rid of all the outdated links and information. However, there is very little new information here. They were also moved to my own domain at OmniFacets.com.

January 21, 1996:
The first, major reworking of my web pages. The main menu was reworked to include WVB Information. Speed and efficiency were optimized with smaller files and graphics.

December 16, 1995:
Pages are completely restructured into several smaller pages and moved to HiWAAY.

November 1995:
Original page is created and placed into public view at Companet .


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This page was last updated on Sunday, June 27, 1999 by
Richard L. Trulson at richard@OmniFacets.com