Who I Am:


I'm Richard Lynn Trulson. I was born in Fayetteville, Tennessee on September 10, 1971. I lived in nearby Park City for my early, childhood years. Then for a year in 1977, my family lived on a farm in Petersburg, TN. We finally settled down in 1978 at Ardmore, Alabama. Ardmore, a little town on the AL/TN border along I-65, is where I grew up and consider home.

However, since Ardmore is a boring place, I spend most of my time in Huntsville, AL, which is located about 30 miles southeast of me. The Rocket City is a great place to live and work, though it still doesn't offer the social activities that I need. Therefore, I generally go to Nashville, TN or Atlanta, GA on a monthly basis to have fun.

 [ NWMSU Logo ] I consider my life to have really began when I went away to college in Maryville, Missouri. I was able to crawl out from under Mom and Dad's overprotective wing, no matter how loving and comforting it is. I made some wonderful friends there that I hope will last a lifetime. I also learned a lot about life and myself there. I became human. In May 1995, I graduated from Northwest Missouri State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. I miss that place, my friends, and the life I had there.

Since graduating, I haven't really done much with my career. I ended up working at my family's business when they needed some help. Ardmore Aviation is an aircraft repair business near Ardmore. While I do a lot of general labor and errand running, I also do computer technical support. Trying to teach my Dad how to run a computer can be a full-time job, especially since he sometimes confuses left-click and double-click. While working with them has some wonderful hours, interesting perks, and just enough income to pay the bills; I want a REAL job that is not dependent on them. Ideally, I would like a internet related job, but anything with computers would be nice; whether it be programming, desktop publishing, systems administration, or technical support. Here's my resume in case you're an employer looking for a dedicated, determined, and dependable employee. My ideal location would be Huntsville, AL, though any location in the Southeast would be fine with the right job.


While a picture may be worth a thousand words, they sometimes don't give you the specifics. Therefore, I'm a Caucasian male that weighs 215 pounds at 5'10". When I do let my hair grow out, it's mostly black with just a hint of brownish undertones. My eyes are hazel. My overall build is like that of a football player or a cop who's had one too many doughnuts, though it isn't overly obese. I wear a size 38" jeans comfortably, and I can squeeze into a size 36 if they're relaxed fit style. I think I look a lot like Brent Spiner (Data of Star Trek: The Next Generation) in the face and Jonathan Frakes (Riker) in the body. My Picture Gallery contains many more pictures of me, friends, and family.

I'm usually clean-shaven, especially during the summer months. While I like the way facial fur looks, I think I look better clean shaven. Since the summer of 2000, I've even kept my head shaved bald. Since I couldn't handle a bald spot forming at 29, I decided to shave it all off. It's still a bit jarring and takes some getting use to, especially in the conservative Bible belt. But since wrestling stars have made the bald look fashionable, people probably don't mind this as much as they would long hair. ::grin:: Besides, except for a hideous period during the big hair '80's of high school, I've always preferred shorter, buzz cuts to longer hair anyway. My personal favorite is the military high and tight, where it's long on top but buzzed short on the sides.

I have a rather shy, introverted personality really. I use to be even worse, but my college experience did a lot to develop more sociable traits in me. However, I'm still not the life of the party that I would like to be. I'm more outgoing on the net than I am in real life though I don't intentionally change my persona. I'm very quiet until I get to know someone. At bars I have difficulty starting conversations with someone new. I'm very analytical and practical, almost to the point of being cynical, though I do enjoy spending time with good friends. Once I get to know you, I'll open up much more.


General Info

Picture Gallery

This page was last updated on Saturday, May 04, 2002 by
Richard L. Trulson at Richard@OmniFacets.com